
Urban Shield Full-Scale Exercise


Cytel Group provides a one-of-a-kind full-scale regional multi-agency, multi-discipline preparedness exercise, designed to demonstrate a region’s ability to manage numerous on-going critical incidents over an extended period of time.  Our multi-layered training exercise is designed to enhance the skills and abilities of regional first responders as well as those responsible for coordinating and managing large-scale events.

Our exercise is designed to identify and stretch regional resources to their limits while expanding regional collaborations and building positive relationships.  The exercise fully implements the components of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS) structure, and complies with the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).  Our exercise utilizes a capabilities-based approach to both individual exercises and exercise program management.  It incorporates all regional disciplines including, law enforcement, fire, EMS, SWAT, K9, marine units, bomb squads, search and rescue.  In addition, the exercise includes state and federal partners including FEMA, U.S. Coast Guard, National Guard, FBI, Secret Service, and state emergency management agencies, to name a few.


Our exercise provides first responders with the opportunity to enhance their understanding of multi-discipline operations, roles and responsibilities, coordination, and valuable experience.  Conducting full-scale exercises strengthens regional preparedness and abilities to prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks, protect the citizens, its critical infrastructure and key resources by training personnel and providing critical gap analysis information.  Our exercise tests and evaluates all related regional capabilities, equipment, communication systems, etc. and provides an effective measurement metric to determine the level of improvement achieved in the various program areas.  Future equipment and technology is integrated into the various scenarios to effectively assess and evaluate their related performance and related value to the region if purchased.  This valuable information is provided to the Region following the exercise in an After Action Report (AAR) and Improvement Plan, designed to assist in the decision making related to future regional training and equipment expenditures.



Director Rene Fielding, City of Boston Mayor's Office of Emergency Management, comments on the value of Boston Urban Shield 2012


Boston Fire Commissioner Roderick Fraser comments on the Urban Shield 2012 exercise


MCI Active Shooter Scenario with SWAT and EMS response

Boston Urban Shield 2011 - Filmed and presented by Cisco Systems